XiangFu’s occupational pension and savings schemes serve as efficient vehicles to enable multinational and local employers to meet their obligations and the expectations of current and future employees, while also enabling employees to achieve their retirement and savings objectives.
International pension plans allow organisations to set up a single occupational pension plan for employees working in many different countries and allow globally mobile employees, or staff in locations where no suitable provision exists, to accrue pension rights while working in multiple jurisdictions. International savings plans can establish an efficient employer and employee-funded savings facility rather than a long-term retirement facility.
XiangFu has unrivalled expertise in establishing, administering and managing international pension and saving plans. Our schemes are based in first-rate jurisdictions that adhere to the highest standards of regulation and provide a tax neutral environment in which the assets of the scheme grow free of taxation and, on drawdown, are paid to scheme members gross. The rules of these plans can be highly flexible and tailored to the needs of the employer and employees.